Senior Care in New Paltz, NY
High-quality health services. Here when you need them.
If you search for such senior care services as assisted living, rehabilitation therapies, memory care, skilled nursing or respite care, you’ll soon discover Woodland Pond in New Paltz, New York. We offer a full spectrum of on-site senior care and health services that are delivered with attention to the individual and in a way that gives you the freedom to enjoy life as you choose.
Visitor Notice
*Please note that at this time we are not scheduling any tours of the Health Center or accepting any outside admissions because our waiting lists have become so extensive, and we do not want to give a false impression of potential availability in the near term.
It is the policy of Woodland Pond at New Paltz to allow visitation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All Woodland Pond residents have the right to have visitors of their choice during their stay unless visitation interferes with the well-being, rights or safety of others, or is not medically indicated in the residents’ care. Woodland Pond will not deny visitation privileges based on race, religion, ethnicity, language, culture, size, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression socioeconomic status, physical or mental ability or disability. Any individual who plays a significant role in the resident’s life, such as a spouse, domestic partner, significant other (if different sex or same sex) or other individual not legally related to the resident is included but not limited to all visitation rights to any resident who requests their support. Woodland Pond’s definition of family is not limited to legal parents and may include foster parents, same-sex parents, those serving as local parents and others operating in caretaker roles.
Resident Discrimination
Learn more about health care services at Woodland Pond.
Use the contact form below or call (845)-256-5914.
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Assisted Living
Seamless care for long-term security. Help with activities of daily living to preserve independence.
Memory Care
The right environment. The right approach.
Skilled Nursing Care
Long-term nursing care with 24-hour supervision.
Specialized therapies to get you back to being your best.
Providing a needed break for family caregivers.