Planning Your Smooth Transition.
Even before you move in, Woodland Pond in New Paltz will be with you to help create a smooth, easy transition to community life. We’ll help you become familiar and comfortable with everyone and everything here, and we’ll help you create your own comfortable living space.
You and your family will have ample opportunity to visit Woodland Pond before your move. You’ll get to know the community layout and you’ll start to identify your favorite places. You’ll be invited to dine with residents, and we can even arrange for your participation in group activities and resident events. You’ll meet key team members, potential neighbors and friends, and begin to lay the foundation for your comfort and happiness in your new home.
We’ll help you get rightsizing right.
Once you’re here, our staff and resident ambassadors will be in close contact, seeing to your orientation, showing you the landscape, accompanying you to dinner and activities, and introducing you to your neighbors. You may also invite friends and family to dine with you during and after your initial transition.