Woodland Pond Giving Opportunities
The Woodland Pond Benefit Fund
The Woodland Pond Benefit Fund, held with the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley, serves to enhance and enrich the daily lives of Woodland Pond’s residents through opportunities for staff development, programming enhancements, and investment in special projects on campus. Types of gifts made to the Woodland Pond Benefit Fund include annual gifts, a gift made in memoriam of a passed resident, assignment of proceeds from your required minimum distributions from your investment portfolios, fundraising events, or payroll deductions. You can give online at: https://bit.ly/3SMliST.
- Gifts made to the Woodland Pond Staff Tuition Assistance Program, which supports staff seeking furthering education in an field that serves our Woodland Pond residents.
- The gift of a beautiful awning system outside our Woodland Pond Library, allowing for the enjoyment of residents in the lovely outdoor space.
- Funding the purchase of furniture to appoint the Great Room Library, which is enjoyed by Woodland Pond Health Center residents.
- Bringing the gift of cultural programming to Woodland Pond residents through performance.
- Funding an architectural feasibility study focused on ‘bringing the outdoors in’ into our Skilled Nursing Unit.
“My wife and I moved to Woodland Pond in 2016. We were relatively young (early to mid-70s) and certainly active, taking advantage of the many opportunities for outdoor recreation in the area. We quickly became comfortable in our new home, making new friends and actively participating in the life of the community. In those early days, we couldn’t have foreseen that we would eventually be grateful for the support available to residents experiencing a health challenge, but need it we did.
Early in 2023 I had a rather severe stroke. After a brief hospital stay, I came back to Woodland Pond’s Skilled Nursing facility where I spent the next 100 days, receiving physical and occupational therapy twice a day right in the Health Center. Care by the staff at every level was exceptionally kind and competent. My brother, arriving from North Dakota, was able to stay in our apartment for the next three months, offering support beyond what anyone might have thought would be necessary, because Marla soon had her own stroke and was taken to the ICU. Again, Woodland Pond responded with great kindness, putting a wheelchair van at my disposal so I could be at Marla’s side for her last hours.
While I continue to make a slow but steady recovery from my own stroke, and having achieved a reasonable level of mobility, I have resumed participating in the life of this amazing community. Because I cannot imagine a better place to live in which to have endured my personal tragedies, I chose to make a significant donation to the Woodland Pond Benefit Fund in memory of my wife, Marla. There are a variety of ways to donate. I chose to give in the form of appreciated stock valued at about $9,000. I strongly encourage residents and their friends and families to likewise consider a donation to the Fund in any amount, in honor of, or in memory of, a loved one. You may be sure it will make a positive difference to all those who, like me, call this unique place home.”
~Larry Randall (Woodland Pond resident since 2016)
Throughout my many years of residency, I have always been impressed with, and grateful for, the kindness, patience and professional care that the members of our staff have continually demonstrated in all their interactions with me, thereby enhancing my daily life immeasurably. Having no living family, I wanted to express my appreciation in a tangible way by establishing a scholarship fund for all our employees who sought to advance their professional prospects through ongoing education while employed at Woodland Pond. To that end, I established a scholarship fund, to be administered by the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley (thereby growing the legacy), as part of my will. It gives me much joy to think that the Richard Barry Scholarship Fund will be my lasting tribute to our extraordinary staff and the happy years they afforded me at Woodland Pond.
~Dr. Richard Barry (Woodland Pond resident since 2011)
The Woodland Pond Endowment
Gifts to the Endowment may include cash (you can give online at https://bit.ly/46FvgeI), appreciated securities, some portion or all your refundable Woodland Pond Entrance Fee or a bequest under your will. Please consult with your professional advisor for information about the tax deductibility of your gift.
Details on Gifts from Your IRA: If you are 70 ½ or older, you can direct some or all your RMD, up to the $100,000/year to a tax-exempt nonprofit like the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley for the Woodland Pond Endowment. This charitable distribution is tax free to you.
Gifts of appreciated securities: When you give appreciated stock, it’s tax deductible at the full fair market value, and you avoid paying capital gains taxes on the gift. Download a stock gift form here: https://bit.ly/3yvI0Id.
Name the Woodland Pond Endowment a beneficiary of your trust, retirement, brokerage, or HSA accounts. The Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley’s tax id number is: 23-7026859.
Like most of us, I hope to die in my sleep. But that is hardly a sure thing and I may need the facilities of our Health Center. I want to make sure that both for me and for those who come after me that our facilities, medical and otherwise, are kept up to date in times of increasing costs and uncertainty. Upon my death, my $405,000 refundable deposit will go to the Endowment. I hope others will join me and make donations to our Endowment to help ensure that the future of Woodland Pond as an excellent CCRC continues.”
~Ray Smith (Woodland Pond resident since 2011)
Woodland Pond Capital Campaigns
From time to time, a dedicated capital campaign is started to fund a particular capital project on campus, for example, when the Interfaith Meditation Room was added through the generosity of residents, their loved ones, and staff supporters of that specific capital campaign. Anyone can initiate a campaign, with approval from management. Some projects offer the opportunity for naming possibilities. To learn more, or to discuss a capital campaign of interest to you, please contact Woodland Pond President and CEO, Michelle Gramoglia at 845-256-5501, or mtgramoglia@wpatnp.org.
Questions About Giving Options?
For Benefit Fund Information Contact: Kevin Quilty, Vice President at the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley, KQuilty@communityfoundationshv.org or 845-338-2535.
For Endowment Information Contact: Serena Marrero, Vice President, Philanthropy, at the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley, SMarrero@communityfoundationshv.org or 845-452-3077.